In which I am surprised by friendship
I can’t remember ever being away from the tinies for a whole day, but I drove to Idelette‘s house, with local peaches riding shotgun in their cardboard basket; the tomatoes, raspberry ice cream,...
View ArticleIn which I dive into the water
Start small, I told myself. Go easy, start with the small things that make you afraid. We’ll get to the other stuff later, maybe someday. And then yesterday, months, years, a lifetime, and today, into...
View ArticleIn which I have an epoch (+ release party pictures!)
I can assure you, the two days we spent in California were an epoch in my life, an Is-This-Even-Real-Or-Am-I-Hallucinating couple of days. There was a moment in the middle of my reading at the release...
View ArticleIn which there is joy in enough
It seems that we always need to get through the details, the mundane daily stuff, of who is doing what and when and why before we can get to the really good heart stuff. My mother’s blue eyes are the...
View ArticleIn which I am learning to live with the ache
Evelynn at two months old, photo by Rachel Barkman Photography Our old baby crib is now sitting in pieces in the garage. We will take it to the dump soon (it has one of those now-outlawed dropsides so...
View ArticleIn which it snows in the morning
Wake up to a brighter bedroom, the snow has been falling outside all night. Take a lazy look around the room, look at the life it is reflecting back to you: a sturdy homemade bed; tangled and worn...
View ArticleIn praise of
Listen to me lift my voice. In praise of early mornings (oh, so early) because I wake up to a quiet house and I slowly work my way upstairs with Maggie in my arms. Of quietly shutting bedroom doors in...
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